Feeling, which everyone has. It's just that some of us express it and let it come out but some of us just let it go unexpressed and unsaid and people think we're unemotional and have no feelings, but it is always there with us.
I too have .. infact many at a time, sometimes happy, sad, excited, bored, anxious, embarrassed, miserable, calm, excited, interested, anxious, fearful, irritated to name just a few. Some I express and some are just left unexpressed, some people understand and sum they don’t. Sometimes we just show what we feel but many a time a moment comes in life that we just tend to hide them may be bcoz we think that is right for that moment or may be to make someone happy or to make sure no one gets hurt. I too did this a lot of time. I have always been told that be happy and make people happy around you, it’s the best feeling in the world . I too agree on that . I like the happy faces around me and for that all I try to do is to make them happy . Its always good to share happiness and make people feel loved and cared.
I know its good to make people happy but tiil when..?? Sometime we just tend to keep hiding what we feel and keep making others happy and it just goes on. You just taken for granted and a point comes when everybody knows you will never let them down, inspite of whatever you feel, will always try to make them feel better. But dont you think its just goes one way then. How long can we continue making others happy when our feelings are not being understand by the people for whom we care and made them happy somewhere sometime in our life. Someone who are close to our heart also leaves us in a situation when we feel low and needed them the most to understand what we feel or atleast make an attempt to do that. And this is when the person who always cared for others smile and made them happy , all of a sudden becomes all alone with his /her feelings. Does that person really deserve to be left alone, when he/she was there for all when they needed..??
Many of us experience this and I am not an exception..
But now I really want someone who understands what I feel not only the expressed one but also the one that are unexpressed, the one who can feel whats going with me. Some feeling which are just deep inside me , which no one understood, bcoz the people around me has always seen a gal with a smile on her face and they never tried to know whats behind that smiling face , may be they can’t understand bcoz it was never told to them.
This is how my feeling are Unexpressed ,Unsaid.. but its always there with me. Its not that I don’t know how to be happy on my own but sometimes I just want someone who can understand my feelings.
So wish someone takes care of my smile.. Am I asking for something more.. ??