Monday, February 7, 2011

But I still Love U

I was always so good to you, but you made me feel unworthy
I always brought smile on your face, and you just made me cry
I always respected you for everything, and you just made me feel offended
I was always there to hold your hands, and you just made me feel lonely

I always understood you, but you never gave an attempt to do that
I always gave happiness to you, and you only gave sorrows
I always trusted you for everything, and you just betrayed
I always cried for you, and you just ignored my tears

I always listened when you said something, but you never gave attention
I always found time for you, and you just said you being busy with something
I always felt you are the one for me, and you made me an option
I always prayed for you, and you just left me unblessed

I always thought you are the best for me, and you proved me wrong
I always had a dream with you, and now you just broke those
I always loved you heartily, and you just pretended to love me
I made you my world, but  in yours I had no place

 I may not exist for you, and you may not remember my name in your life…
But I stil Love U

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